
This book will include miscellaneous photos and other memorabilia retrieved from various study walls, boxes in the attic, Mums' oak bureaux etc. as well as recent ones.

1. The Soccer Team (supplied by Keith Harris)


Left to Right
Graham White
Alan Pearman
Donald Cox
John Gibbins
John Read 
Left to Right
Bob Stanbrook
Duke Dobing
Ian Shipman
Jimmy Darling
Left To Right
Keith Harris
Brian Woodhouse

We can tell Bob is only masquerading as a footballer. Take a look at those brand new 'continental style' boots and brilliant white laces. They haven't been within 5 miles of a soccer pitch. And how come the school could only manage to provide 8 proper shirts?

2. Oldfield Infants School (supplied by John Cripps)



3. Sports Day Certificate (supplied by John Cripps)

4. A Trip To The Norfolk Broads

Collin, Ray and Benj

5. More Recent Photos

Ray and Benj







Ray and Graham at Woodcote Steam Rally - 14/7/02